

Baldor Generators
The Baldor Electric Company Baldor Electric Company is a designer, manufacturer and marketer of electric motors,
drives and generators. Through a network of independent representatives, we sell our products to both distributors and original
equipment manufacturers. The 3,600 people we employ produce our products in 15 locations in the United States and one location in
Bristol, England.
Baldor offers industrial portable generators and industrial standby / prime power generator products in various sizes and configurations.
All of their generators are covered by an impressive warranty program. Baldor invests heavily in quality and training programs for all of its employees
in an effort to develop and maintain world class products. Please take the time to review their excellent product line!
Product Line Review
Baldor Electric's generator product line is divided into 7 product line offerings, each of these may have additional offering or options.
These product segments are defined as: Industrial portable, Industrial Towable Generators, Open Industrial Standby, Automatic Emergency Standby,
Industrial Gaseous Standby, Industrial Standby / Primepower, Mobile Light Tower.
Overall, the Baldor generator line is aimed at industrial applications and customers that have heavy duty or primary power requirements.
Portable Generators
Baldor industrial Pow'R Gard portable generators are suitable for
applications where portable power is needed. Available from 1300
through 11,000 watts these generators are designed for continuous
operations. Portable generators are available in four models:
full featured (Premier line); maximum value (Powerchief line);
multi-fuel and diesel. Baldor portables provide a "Switchless
Full Pow'R" feature, which eliminates the voltage selector
'power switch'. The Premier models also have an automatic
idler feature, which reduces fuel consumption, and all portables
have a unique 'Focal Vibration System', which reduces vibration
and eliminates 'floor walking.
Industrial Towable Generators
Baldor's switchable/towable diesel generators are engineered for
superior reliability, versatility, durability and safety. From the ultra
quiet sound attenuated enclosures and precision generator sets to
the state-of-the-art electronics and controls, these units are suited
for all commercial, industrial and rental applications. Available from
25KVA/20kW to 175 KVA/140kW these units have a three position
voltage selection switch for 1 and 3 phase connections; large integral
fuel tank; fuel water separators and many safety features including
water temperature shutdown, and low oil shutdown.
Open Industrial Standby
Industrial diesel engine-driven generator systems for industrial
applications including agricultural confinement house operations,
greenhouse facilities and dairy operations. Used also as power
systems for Municipality services such as water treatment plants
and 911 emergency centers. Available in sizes 30kW to 150kW
with either a Perkins diesel or optional John Deere or Isuzu.
Other features include full-status monitor, fuel connections for
use with existing tanks or provisions for optional sub-base tank.
Available options include 100-600 amp NEMA1/NEMA3R
Automatic Transfer Switches and weather enclosures .
Automatic Emergency Standby
The Automatic Emergency (AE) generators have been engineered
and built to meet the emergency power needs of the residential
and light commercial customer. Available from 8-25 kW ratings,
these units continuously monitor the electrical current in your home
or office and start up automatically if the utility power is interrupted.
And they shut themselves off when utility service is returned.
Natural gas and LP powered units are available. Other features
include: powder coat paint finish, weatherproof enclosure constructed
of heavy gauge steel and has special sound attenuation.
Industrial Gaseous Standby
Baldor GLC (Gaseous Liquid Cooled) generator sets provide totally
automatic standby power for large residences and small businesses.
Available from 30 to 125 kW they are fueled by LP or natural gas.
Reliable GM Vortec engines give a long service life on the GLC units.
The automatic voltage regulator provides precise voltage control,
while the electronic isochronous governor assures precise frequency control.
The digital controller features full instrumentation.
All GLC generators are prototype engineered, factory built
and production tested. When used with the optional weatherproof
enclosure the unit provides a smooth and quiet operation.
Industrial Standby / Primepower
Whether it's providing primary power for a transcontinental ship
or a remote Chilean copper mine, or supplying vital standby power
for a large metropolitan computer center, Baldor IDLC generators
are at work all over the globe. For peak shaving duty, IDLC generators
can supply prime power in parallel with the utility. In the standby mode,
the IDLC gensets can supply emergency power to all critical loads
and selected loads as desired. Every IDLC power system is designed,
engineered, built and tested to the customer's specific specifications.
Baldor's IDLC diesel generator sets include ratings from 30kW to 2000kW
using John Deere, Mitsubishi, Cummins, or Detroit diesel engines.
Solid-state engine controls and switchgear systems are designed
to meet application requirements.
Mobile Light Tower
Baldor Pow'R Lite Mobile Light Tower provides (4) 1,000 watts of light
anywhere needed. It runs off a 6,000-watt generator and has a 30'
mast, which provides light coverage for over 7 acres. The dependable
Kubota water-cooled engine powers model PL6000K and model PL6000L uses the Lombardini water-cooled engine.
Both models have a 30-gallon fuel tank and a 60-hour running time. And both models have metal-halide lamps
in an elliptical lamp fixture.
Company Information
From their home office in Fort Smith, Arkansas, Baldor supports the sales
offices/warehouses that stock Baldor products worldwide, selling to distributors
and original equipment manufacturers in more than 55 countries. Baldor products
are available from 40 sales offices/warehouses in North America and 25 offices
serving international markets. These products are produced at 15 USA plants,
and one in Bristol, England.
2004 was a year of growth for our Baldor Electric. Baldor achieved record sales
of $648,194,631, up 15% from the previous year and earnings of $35,052,457, up 41%
from the previous year. While we're proud of these two achievements, we're also proud of
several others. During 2004 our quality improved for the 5th year in a row
as confirmed by fewer warranty charges. Our goal is to make the very best motor, drive, and generator
available and we believe we do.
If you would like more information about the company or their products
please review their website at: "http://www.baldor.com " .